An interesting weekend

So, it’s Sunday again. I spent more than half this weekend attending meetings and learning about the new collaborative efforts between the local Cottage Hospital system and the University of California at Santa Barbara. Fascinating that we can have something like this set up, an interface between research at a university without a medical school or any of the sometimes obstructive politics of those arrangements, and a hospital system. My mind is buzzing with the ideas they spread out for us, and I know there’s lots more coming down the pike. I hope to volunteer as one of their base line subjects and have an MRI taken of my brain to add to their database. I hear they’ll give me a CD with my pictures so I can visit one of my favorite places in a whole new way. Medical tourism with a destination in my own house at my own computer!

I came home to the astonishing news that my book was out as an e-book on Amazon. I thought Monday would be the earliest. Paperback to follow in a couple of weeks. Suddenly at the end of the process everything moved way faster than I anticipated. Here’s one of my tweets using a quote from the writer Jervey Tervalon:

“Equal parts harrowing and elegant” NIGHT MUST WAIT #thriller  #Africa  #ImajinBooks

if you look it upon Amazon, it’s NightMust Wait by Robin Winter…

I am amazed to see this all real already. But I have a funny one to share. I was setting up my Author’s Page on Amazon, it came up with the right cover image, title and all, and I approved it, then went to entering event information. (I’ll be on a panel November 4 at the Ventura County Writers’ Weekend.) All of a sudden the title attributed to my name was Railway on the Isle of Man. No matter what I did, my Night Must Wait was gone and I had a whole new book to my credit that I’d never written! I am still totally flummoxed how that happened. Did I mis-strike some command? Did the electronics burp at some critical point? I’m guessing this will be a mystery forever.

Amazon sent a nice note back in response to my explanation of the glitch and in twenty-four hours it should be fixed. I salute the other Robin Winter for his or her book on the Railway on the Isle of Man, and apologize for stealing his or her thunder!

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