Viral load

I am simply not accustomed to the insults and vexations of being sick. I think this cold I picked up, most likely from a doorknob at the vet’s office, has really kicked the stuffing out of me and I am surprised and disappointed that having a number of years off without even a sniffle to trouble me, did nothing to make me able to suffer the slings and arrows of stuffy nose, cough and wretched sleep better than I have!

Clearly it is a character flaw. I told many a friend that it wasn’t a bad virus, and when I did my COVID tests, all those were negative. I masked when anywhere near other people, and managed to keep from seeing anyone close up. But here I am after my eleven days of misery, only now really beginning to feel as though the virus is reluctantly getting the idea that it can no longer drag its feet through my brains.

And worst of all, this is NANOWRIMO! National Novel Writing Month! If you who have been visiting this blog over the years remember, November is the month in which we who want to get some major writing done, plan to produce 50,000 words of a new work by the end of the 30th. I have managed this many years, and been very pleased by the results. Last year’s novel is actually out in submission– a novel that’s a memoir that never happened. I’ll explain that some other day.

But I refuse to give up. In spite of the loss of days, I still hope to catch up. After all I have a cat. If I can only train him to do upon command what you see in this photo– when he lies on the keyboard he’s a really effective assistant who adds loads of words to my word count!

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Filed under blog, cats, writing

One response to “Viral load

  1. Oh no, that’s a long time to be sick. I was like you, NEVER got sick for years…until I did in 2021. Then it seemed like I kept getting sick. I hope you heal soon and that you are able to write.

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