June and the Santa Barbara Writers Conference

It’s been a packed couple of months, with writing and painting and meetings with friends and fellow writers. For me, June is focused on the Santa Barbara Writers Conference and this year lived up to my expectations and hopes. So much fascinating work to hear and critique and so many friends to try and catch in between sessions. I am only sorry that I couldn’t manage to be in two places at a time.

However, I admit it, I grow older and not as energetic. I only attended one Pirate session, though what a great one it was. I did manage to bake about twelve dozen cookies at intervals during the conference to share at the Pirates even when I didn’t attend myself. But it will tell you a lot about what these gatherings are like that I could simply hand boxes of cookies to friends, asking them to take them on to those late night sessions, and then get my ride home taking glee in the idea that there were people using my baking to stay awake until the wee small hours. Bring on another story! Or a play or a poem or memoir! I will boast that some decades ago I was one of those who lasted until four in the morning, reluctant even to take a break.

Too much of the time if you write, you perceive you are alone. A conference like this makes it clear you aren’t, that all about you in spirit are your fellow workers, each of you trying to be the best self you can. The time spent hearing other people’s work is more important even than reading your own and receiving feedback. In these reflections you see how your own tools can be used differently, how you can change an angle, sharpen a phrase, try a new voice. Giving feedback, the effort to see what a different writer is trying to do teaches your brain flexibility, which later will feed the energies of your own work.

Next year I’ll try to remember to post here to remind anyone on the fence that this opportunity is coming and that there’s fun and generous sharing to be had in June in Santa Barbara!

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